Irish mythology
The Greatest Irish Mythology Of All Time

Irish mythology is a fascinating branch of Celtic mythology that talks about the histories and legends of the ancient land. The myths and legends were recorded by monks during the 11th century, with many Irish mythology names and deities influencing later canonisation of Catholic saints. It’s the most well-preserved branch of Celtic mythology, with some people in Ireland still believing in fairy faith, banshees, leprechauns and exciting tales of old. Whether you believe in it or not, Irish folklore makes for fascinating reading, not to mention conversation.
For centuries, Irish mythology and fables passed through generations. By the 11th century, these tales had been written down by monks, which is why we sometimes find threads of Christianity in the stories.
Irish Mythology Creatures
One of our favourite legends, the Tuatha De Dannan (People of the goddess Danu) are portrayed as supernatural creatures in human form, but with magical skills. You’ll find these creatures in The Book of Invasions, where we learn about how the descended into the country with a thick fog. Once the fog lifted, only these creatures remained.
When the Milesians arrived in Ireland, they took over the land and the magical People of the goddess Danu disappeared. Some say they retreated to the Otherworld, while others believe they blended with the Milesians, the ancient ancestors of Ireland. It’s thought they may have passed on some of their magic onto the lives of modern Irish inhabitants.
The People Of The Mounds (Aos Si)
The Aos Si are also known as otherworldly folk. Think of them like modern depictions of fairies. It’s believed they are the descendants of the Tuatha De Dannan. Some of the most recognisable Aos Si are leprechauns, changelings and, our favourite, the mischievous leprechaun.
Aos Si are thought to have inhabited places from where the Otherworld is accessible, like lakes, mountains and river hills. They’re protective of their turf, we’re told, and are quick to seek vengeance on anyone who dares to enter their spaces. Even today, followers of these mythical legends are conscious of sacred spaces.

They Are All Around Us
Mythical creatures, and especially fairies, are believed to live in mounds of earth, ruled by fairy kings and queens. On the other hand, the banshee, or “woman of death” is not a myth you want to literally hear. It’s believed that if you hear her wailing, she is warning you of someone’s impending demise. Beware the pooka, too. These scary shape-changers bring bad luck to anyone who sees them.
But, if it’s good luck you’re in need of, Irish Folklore dictates that butterflies are what you want. The winged beauties are said to move between worlds, transporting messages. Some Irish mythology texts say they are souls just waiting to be born on this earth. So, the next time you see a butterfly, make sure to acknowledge it.